Zumba to Be Offered at FCC in Spring Semester

Marshaie Morgan

More stories from Marshaie Morgan

You want to Zumba?

Come to Fresno City College.

The college will be offering Zumba classes for students and staff in the spring semester of 2016.

Lisa Chaney, health services coordinator, said she has been trying to get the Zumba classes approved for a few months; however, the plan is now in its final stages.

These classes will be open to all FCC students and will be free of charge. Chaney says that staff are also welcome to these classes but will have to pay a small fee.

The Zumba classes will be offered a few days a week starting in the late afternoon and will also be an hour at a time.

Chaney believes that the Zumba classes will be very beneficial to all students as research shows exercising and studying before tests helps people remember the materials they are studying a lot better.

In addition, Chaney believes that academic achievement will accelerate at FCC if students take Zumba classes.

“I think Zumba classes will be a great way to relieve stress, especially during finals week,” Rebecca Mattar, a business major said.

“I would want my friends to take Zumba with me,” said Emilee Deborde, FCC student. “I think it would be a fun class to take with all of my friends.”