Wrestling Program Hosts FCC Wrestling Hall of Fame Ceremony
The Fresno City College wrestling team will be hosting the Fresno Wrestling Hall of Fame Ceremony on Saturday, Oct. 5, at 6 p.m. at the FCC Old Administration Building Courtyard.
Inductees to be honored will include DeWayne Zinkin, Sr., DeWayne Zinkin, Jr., Harold Zinkin, Nick Zinkin, Rodney Balch.
The ceremony will also include a casino night, hosted by the FCC wrestling program.
Doors open to the public at 6 p.m., with ceremonies and activities beginning at 6:40.
Attendees to the ceremony can enjoy hor d’oeuvres and $200 in gaming chips.
Tickets to the ceremony cost $25 and can be purchased from any FCC wrestler, or by contacting Head Coach Paul Keysaw([email protected]).

Derek Bullis, 31, is a second semester journalism major taking on the challenges of his new position as opinion editor for the Rampage. He is excited and...