On September 9, the Academic
Senate met for its biweekly meeting. Here
are a few of the key issues that were discussed.
-The ASG will be putting on a fall
carnival soon. More updates will come in
the following weeks.
-On September 17, the ASG will
have a constitution day with activities surrounding
America’s most sacred document.
Events like “can you pass the citizenship
test” will be held.
-Paul Gilmore and Wendell Stephenson
will be continuing their colloquiums
throughout this semester. The first guest
will be Cliff Garuba on Sept. 30 in LI-103.
He will be delivering a lecture on different
drug policies throughout the world. This
colloquium is open only for staff.
-Concerns were raised about
administrators intervening in the hiring
process and how much power the Senate
and general staff have.
-Adjunct professors who are worried
about seniority issues should contact
extension 8506 for more information.
-A long discussion was held on attendance
before and after the drop date, as
well as concerns about accurate attendance
measurement for forum halls. There are
many ideas on the table regarding the issue
of students dropping out once they receive
their financial aid money, never to return or
pay it back. One idea is to change the drop
date to the 60% mark of a class’ schedule,
making it impossible to drop without an F.
The need for attendance was also discussed.
-Because property taxes have
dropped 2.5%, expect more budget cuts at
Fresno City.
-25 $1,000 scholarships have been
donated to Fresno City’s honors program.
This will help bring in more students to the
-The idea in last week’s senate
notes about partnering with the African
American museum has been tabled indefinitely
by the board of directors, effectively
moving it aside for now.
Senate Notes
Story By: Marika Smith, Writer
September 23, 2009
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