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The News Site of Fresno City College

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    Priest breaks with church on Prop. 8

    Alot of Californians are deeply affected by what is going on with Proposition 8. People are realizing that we tend to separate homosexuals away from what they really are: everyday people. In Fresno, however, a Catholic priet, an unlikely spokesperson against Prop 8 has emerged. The Catholic Diocese of Fresno, along with the Catholic Church, has publicly declared support of Prop 8 and said it is up to other Catholics and Christians to do the same

    How would one feel, especially a priest, if his very faith was being challenged by guidelines that he did not firmly believe? Father Geoffrey Farrow responded by announcing his position to his congregation. At his 11am service at the St. Paul Newman Center in Fresno, on October 6, Father Farrow announced that he was against Prop 8.

    ABC News was there to capture the event as Farrow explained his position thoroughly. Before the service began, Farrow said in an interview with ABC news that he himself was gay. Father Farrow closed the service by reading a letter he had written to read to the congregation.

    “I know that these words of truth will cost me dearly, but to withhold them would be far more costly, and I would be an accomplice to a moral evil that strips gay and lesbian people not only of their civil rights but of their human dignity as well,” said Father Farrow.

    Many people seemed shocked and it was reported that many left crying. Many of those who attended the service were divided on what to make of it. Farrow knew that he was going to surprise people and there would be consequences.

    After Farrow gave his sermon, he took some personal time to reflect on the situation. He set up a blog and began to explain where some of his frustration is rooted. He referenced a letter written by Bishop John Steinbeck regarding California’s decision to approve gay marriage. “What is this world coming to?” stated Bishop Steinbeck as the opening line to his letter. “Hopefully, the citizens of California will overturn their misguided decision in our next state election,” he later added.

    Farrow wrote that this letter changed everything. “This single FAX threw my whole summer, and in fact, my whole life into a turmoil,” he wrote. In explaining his position on marriage, Farrow claimed that marriage may not always be about procreating, ­which is something that many Catholics believe. This is brought up over the fact that two elderly people who are not capable of procreating may marry but people of the same sex cannot. Father asks his readers: Does the capability of procreation validate a marriage?

    Father Farrow also goes on to explain the harms that may be a result of Proposition 8. He claims that “intimidating” those of the gay community does not unite the church. Father Farrow also claims that the burden of being a good follower could lead others to do what he was doing for so many years: lie to one’s self. This is the message that he delivered to his congregation on that fateful morning.

    ABC News was there to capture every word he had to say. However, once Father Farrow finished his speech and the cameras stopped rolling, another speaker took the microphone. With roughly about half of the congregation still present, Deacon John Supino expressed his feelings about what Father Farrow had just said. “He (Deacon John Supino) started to say that Father Farrow would no longer be the priest there for obvious reasons,” said Joshua De La Cerda, who was present at the service. “People started to speak out loud across the church, saying that it wasn’t right to get rid of him and how they shouldn’t be able to do that,” he added. Deacon Supino responded by claiming it was Father Farrow who was wrong. A few people began to clap in support of the deacon.

    Following the service, Father Farrow said he was not sure of what was to come. It was reported that on Monday morning, he had already cleared out his office and his parish housing facilities. He was not sure if he was suspended, but he was prepared for whatever would come.

    The next day, the Bishop released a formal statement to the press regarding his stance on Proposition 8. “Proposition 8 is not about gay or lesbian orientation, or their legal rights. Proposition 8 is a reaffirmation of the nature of marriage,” he said. “It’s tragic that Proposition 8 opponents have convinced some well-intentioned people that Proposition 8, as a legitimate legislative initiative to define the institution of marriage, is somehow a condemnation of people of same sex orientation” added Bishop Steinbeck, talking about the issue while never mentioning Father Farrow, said “Nothing could be further from the truth or more confusing to people.”

    Father Farrow began to write on his blog, beginning with a transcript of the homily he had given only days earlier.

    He’s kept almost daily entries and has received hundreds of comments from people around the world. He analyzed the actions of the Bishop along with his own, since the Bishop was away on retreat, he did what only one could do: pray and wait.

    At the end of the week, the Bishop informed Father Farrow that he would be suspended as a priest and no longer held a position at St. Paul Newman Center. He had been its pastor for 23 years. For his bold actions, he lost his health benefits, his salary, and his home. He decided to take his personal retreat away from Fresno and has since been with friends in Los Angeles.

    The actions of Father Farrow show that Proposition 8 has roots that go deeper than simply an election. This is an issue that is affecting us, and is it something that Fresno citizens will be passive about. It’s hitting us right here in our own town. Whatever one’s stance may be on this issue, hopefully one would understand that this is no longer just about politics.

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