Find a Club that Fits Like a Glove

Photo credit: Leticia Leal. Club rush on March 14, 2019
Fresno City College offers over 40 clubs and honor societies appealing to various interests, cultures, and academic aspirations.
Clubs are often a way to meet like-minded people–safe spaces to relieve stress. Still, many of these clubs focus on the difficult work of growing resumes and building communities.
“Students should join clubs to get involved in their community,” said Bryan Macias the inter-club council chair at FCC.
“A lot of people don’t know each other [at FCC]. It’s easy to get uncomfortable and nervous around everybody,” he said. Macias added that by joining a club students can get to know the people around them and feel less isolated which will mean a better experience at FCC.
Whether you’re interested in networking with members in your desired career or you want to gather with people who want to see environmental change, FCC provides a wide variety of clubs that are specific to student’s ambitions.
The Puente project is open to all students to provide mentoring and academic counseling. “Puente,” meaning bridge in Spanish, is an idea applied in the Puente project is that the club is the bridge between students and their academic goals. Puente club is great help for students focused on their academic success.
David Campos, a representative from Puente, said their mission is to, “provide an environment to motivate, encourage and support each other.” Some of their activities involve community outreach to, “inform people about social problems that are affecting our community.”
The Puente club can be found in the Old Administration Building room 272, or more information can be found on their page on the FCC website.
Are you a history nut that wants to know more about our founding fathers? Then the History Club is for you. Join the History Club every Monday at 2 p.m. in Social Sciences building in room 110.
Movie buffs who want to connect with the past through cinema can join the Dead Film Society. At the Dead Film Society, students can watch and discuss movies they’ve never heard of before, or bond with other students who love the same movies. Either way, there is a lot to enjoy with the club President Mark Ross in the Applied Technology building room 400c.
The Dead Film Society is a young club at just barely a year old. They dissect popular films such as “Get Out” and “Driver”. Dead Film Society has also worked with acting classes and other organizations on campus in making their own films. These clubs are responsible for the production of their own film “Reformation” which was a film created within the close knit network of filmmakers on campus.
There is a Law Pathway club for law students. Architecture students can join Architecture Club. Allied health professionals have their own club as well.
The diversity of the student body at FCC is well reflected in the diversity of clubs on campus. There is a place for all students at an FCC club. If a student doesn’t believe that the spectrum of clubs on campus incorporates their unique interests, they are also welcome to form their own club.
Any student who values extending their education beyond the classroom, self improvement, or having fun absolutely has a place at FCC clubs.

Kris with a K like Kool-aid is a reporter for the Rampage. Kris is a 21-year-old government journalism major who drives a Prius named Cherryl that he parks...

Leticia Leal, 19, is a fourth semester student at Fresno City College. She was born in Fresno and travels to Los Angeles often to visit her family. This...