Volunteers Give Back to Valley Children’s Hospital on 32nd Annual Kids Day
Photo by: Leticia Leal
Rammie, FCC’s Mascot, standing out on the corner of Blackstone and McKinley asking for Kids Day donations of for the newspaper March 5, 2019.
People from all around the Central Valley came together for the 2019 Kids Day March 5 to sell Kids Day edition of the Fresno Bee to raise funds for the Valley Children’s Hospital (VCH).
Volunteers stood out on the street in orange vests, asking for donations and and passing out papers to help save the lives of children with serious medical conditions whose families are unable to afford their treatment.
Cruz Gonzalez, student at CSU Fresno, said his fraternity Kappa Sigma has been camping out on Chestnut and Shepherd. To secure their coveted spot, the fraternity camped out from 10 p.m the night before.
“Kids day is important because it brings the community together and helps give back to a community resource that’s given to us,” he said. Gonzalez said his organization has participated in the past three years.
“Right after I was born my lungs weren’t fully developed and my chance of survival was very slim,” Gonzalez said, explaining that VCH has always held a place close to his heart.
The staff cared for him until he made a full recovery. Gonzalez said that he will always do what he can to give back to VCH due to how much of a difference this hospital has made in his life.
“Kids Day hosts over 7,000 volunteers from more than 20 communities selling a special Kids Day edition of The Fresno Bee in exchange for a donation to the Hospital,” according to the Valley Children’s Foundation.
According to VCH, the hospital’s mission has always been, “to provide high-quality, comprehensive healthcare services to children, regardless of their ability to pay, and to continuously improve the health and wellbeing of children.”
Rammie the Fresno City mascot along with many students were out selling papers as early as 4 a.m. on Tuesday morning.
Chelsea Pittman said she has been selling Kids Day papers for eight years and that her fundraising experience began at Hoover High School and has carried into her college experience at FCC.
“It’s a chance for these kids’ voices to be heard, and allows us to support them in their recovery,” Pittman said.
Lisa Souphone, nursing student, said she heard about this opportunity at work and knew she had to volunteer. “Started giving out papers at 4 a.m.,” Souphone said as at the corner of McKinley and Blackstone, across the street from the college.
“Kids are our future,” she said. “We are out here today to raise money for the kids who just want to be kids.”

Leticia Leal, 19, is a fourth semester student at Fresno City College. She was born in Fresno and travels to Los Angeles often to visit her family. This...