The Associated Student Government elections have begun, and Fresno City College students who do want to vote are left with little options after Toni Sandoval, candidate for president, dropped out of the race on Monday, leaving Maize Lee as the only one vying for the top office.
“I am passionate about making constant improvements and changes and believe ASG, as well as myself, can benefit from me becoming president,” Lee said.
Lee said she plans to use her future position as ASG president to benefit students the best way she knows how.
“I would like to raise awareness to all of the programs and benefits Fresno City College has to offer,” she said. “With student becoming more aware, they will become more opinionated and thus involved with FCC. Students who attend FCC deserve to have issues resolved without having to jump through hoops.”
All the candidates for other ASG positions are running unopposed; only one candidate is running for each of these positions — Executive Vice President; Student Trustee and President Pro Tempore. Only two candidates are running for 16 senatorial positions.
“It’s disappointing that we can’t get more people to run,” said Sean Henderson, ASG adviser. “But that’s how it happens; they’re going to be out at Keys to the City and Welcome Week next semester to recruit.”
Henderson said there is need to train incoming “student government leaders” in the summer so they can “hit the ground running.” There is also a need to fill the legislative vice president position, for which has no one is running.
ASG has, in the past, struggled to get candidates and votes for its elections. In 2013, only 189 votes cast, an all-time low, translating into only 0.9 percent of the student body participating in a college-wide elections.
“I read the article in the Rampage ‘What is ASG?’,” said Matthew Scott, a senatorial candidate. “As a student at FCC for the last year, I have never seen the student government and until the article, I was not aware we had one. I believe if you are a representative, you must act as a delegate which requires talking to your constituents.”
A link sent to the student email accounts of all Fresno City College students has an individual username and password used for all students to cast a vote for the candidate they would like to vote for.

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// Patrick is in his fifth semester at Fresno City College and at the Rampage. He was born Feb. 5, 1994 and raised in Chicago his entire...