Student Aren’t Sweating the Distance to Campus From the Parking Structure

Photo from Fresno City College’s Instagram page

Photo from Fresno City College’s Instagram page

School parking has been limited since the start of school this August and the construction of the new parking lot that started mid 2021, is set to finish in the fall of this year. Students are struggling to find parking due to not enough parking for students. 

Students have to park several blocks away from campus to avoid receiving any parking tickets. Although the parking structure will be very useful and help out the parking situation, it is a great distance from the center of campus coming in at 2000 feet or 0.4 miles, making it roughly a 10 minute travel time.

Many of the FCC students don’t have an issue when asked how they felt about walking 10 minutes from the new parking structure to the middle of campus. Some saw it as an advantage rather than a disadvantage.

Sarah Delgado, criminology major, said “I don’t mind it, I’d rather be a little late than struggle to find parking. I don’t like having to park three blocks away from school it gets pretty annoying, especially on the busier days.” 

Another student shares similar feelings towards the parking. “It’ll at least be closer from having to park in front of Fresno High. It’s like a good 15 minutes from where I park. I don’t like trying to look for parking, especially around 10 a.m. classes,” Kevin Lee, an FCC art major said.

The advantages vastly outweigh the negatives. Students would rather be a little late, than  have to pay a parking ticket.