Changes to Technology Making its Way to Fresno City College Campus
Photo by: Jayronan Vanthy
The Library’s computer lab on Oct. 31 where multiple students go to study or complete work assignments.
Fresno City College campus computers used by students have not been updated since Jan. 21 2020, due to budget shortage and COVID-19 pandemic, but changes are expected to come to its technology that won’t leave students in the dark.
FCC’s Director of Technology College Support Services Jennifer Laval, said they have been working on getting the staff ready to come back after the pandemic to support the students.
Laval said during the pandemic they have taken a lot out of the classes, and are working hard to get it back in the classrooms.
The Rampage found the operating system wasn’t the only software backdated, so was the anti-virus software.
Without updates to antivirus software, malicious software known as malware can make its way into computers causing harm.
Delays in updates could cause lags and freezing during usage.
“Technology is never perfect,” Laval said. “We have learned so much about technology through the pandemic, what can we offer, what can be removed, and what can be onsite.”
According to Laval, the team’s main focus this year is to remove the old Windows 7 machines on campus.
There had been some lags on replacement computers before she joined the technology department at FCC, Laval said.
An instructional software budget is available for FCC’s technology department.
“We have not had the money to support the campus,” said Laval.
Senior Information Technology technician Chris Martin said, the team generally update softwares at the beginning of the fall semester every year.
“We spend approximately two months during the summer preparing the labs, getting the lab images ready along with installing new versions of the software,” Matin said.
Sophos antivirus is a district wide implementation used on computer devices and the State Center Community College District office manages those updates for the campus.
Computer programming major Jesse Garcia was unaware of the backdated computers but avoids using the campus computers, and takes his laptop when attending class.
“I had no idea the campus computers were that far backdated, the safety of students’ information should be a top priority,” Garcia said.
Garcia believes that it’s nearly impossible to complete school without proper technology.
“Not all students have or can afford their own equipment and it was absolutely needed during the covid’s rougher times,” Garcia said. “I was lucky enough to have a family pass on a laptop to me and I’m grateful for it.”
Some students are unaware they can rent out technology for the semester from the library, Garcia said.
“I find that amazing, regardless if they are up to date or not, that the college offers that,” Garcia said. “Students should take advantage of all this campus has to offer them.”
According to Laval, before the pandemic, seven buildings including the library were upgraded with Wi-Fi inside and outside on campus.
Security with IP speakers for announcements in case of emergency will be installed on campus as a part of an upcoming large-scale network project, said Laval. The date of installations is currently unknown.
The ticketing system referred to as the help desk is available for staff and faculty from Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Student Help desk is managed through the SCCCD and the Front Desk helps students with quick fixes like password reset.

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