36 Organizations Participate in Volunteer Fair
Recruiters representing 36 nonprofit organizations from the Fresno community participated in a volunteer fair at Fresno City College in the cafeteria on Jan. 28.
“It takes a garden to make things happen,” said Maile Martin, senior program specialist for Student Activities. “Our central valley honors students are required to complete volunteer hours, as well as students in different majors. The amount of hours can vary for each class from 10 plus hours.
Volunteer Fairs are supposed to spark some motivation in the student to give back to the community, and the youth. The college hosts the non-profit organizations to help students find volunteer hours every semester. The fair introduces students to organizations they might not have heard of otherwise.
“We want to reach out to young college students, to build relationships with the kids across the street at Heaton Elementary School,” said Brian Semsem, program director at Every Neighborhood Partnership, a nonprofit that mobilizes “churches and community partners to serve alongside residents and existing non-profits,” according to information on the organization’s website. their website.
Many participating organizations displayed packets for students and answered questions.
“We work with at risk youth, population throughout Fresno Unified School District, and just having a caring adult could make a positive impact on these children’s lives,” Semsem said.
College students tend to have busy schedules, but majority of these organizations are willing to work with your schedule and wouldn’t mind your dropping by for an hour or two.

As a writer, photographer, and student-athlete, Omari Bell is one of many to admit, “I do a little bit of everything and a lot of nothing.” Born and...