Interview Workshops Still Available for FCC Students

Photo by: Jesus Herrera

Career Counselor Jesse Llanos talking with Fresno City College Student Alan Ramirez, major undecided, about his career assessment results and interest for the future on Nov. 22, 2022.

Businesses have started hiring for seasonal positions and Dec. 1 is the last day for Fresno City College students to attend the “How to Effectively Interview” workshop in the Applied Technology division. 

The workshop starts at 1 p.m. in room T-110D and aims to help students with what many feel is the most stressful part of job hunting. Workshops are also available online through Zoom.

Cindy Dunn, job placement coordinator in the Career Employment Center, pointed out topics  such as how to dress, ways to stay calm during the interview, and things to do after the interview were a few of the focuses within the workshops.

This isn’t the only resource provided by Fresno City College. Starting late October, the Career Employment Center and Extended Opportunity Programs and Services held workshops on multiple areas for job and career searching. 

Workshops on building cover letters and how to effectively use job sites like Jobspeaker are open for registration. Guides and examples for effective resumes going over layout and important information are available to grab anytime.

“We are here to serve students. So if somebody has registered and they bring a friend, that’s perfectly fine,” Dunn said. 

All of the information and resources are not limited to the workshops. Students are welcome to go to the Career Employment Center, (put its building and room number), and talk to any of the career counselors or take the hand outs with helpful tips and guides.A full list of workshops and resources are on the Career Employment Center or Extended Opportunity Programs and Services tabs on the Fresno City College website.